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tamoadmin 2024-07-06
1.“Jone”翻译成中文是什么意思呢?2.帮忙翻译3.艾森博格和舒斯特尔是哪一年被逐出德国国家队的?4.team的中文翻译5.例如 国家队效力 第一次去看**





5.例如 国家队效力 第一次去看** 滑冰冠军 哼歌 活着的 主修 赢得一等奖 这些的英语翻译急~~~




乔恩的意思,乔恩的意思是明星 jone是[英格兰人姓氏] 乔恩,也译为约翰,琼斯。John的变体

[男子名] [英格兰人姓氏] 约翰。来源于希伯来语,含义是“耶和华是仁慈的”(Jehovah is gracious) 昵称Jack,Jackie,Jan,Jock,Jockie,Johnnie,Johnny


Recently, the Brazilian representative of the small Brazilian football should be invited to write a column for the Spanish media Brazil vs Croatia in their first match comments. Translate selectively now reads as follows : I am super satisfied with the first match of the national team, because we have made in the search for the "off." Competition is the most important thing is to win. We all know that the first World Cup competition is very complex, so the competition is often enormous pressure. Croatia competition is a very difficult competition in the contest before I had said that this session of the World Cup may be very important physical confrontation at the World Cup, many teams have done in a very vicious demands. Croatia style for the suffering we have endured, such as their style of the future we may also encounter many times. This will be a difficult World Cup, many teams are in the ground pursue offensive damage, but they also won positive in the extreme. Fortunately training in Switzerland, we had to be in the World Cup may be encountered during the preparation done, the team did not find such a style Let us surprise. I am satisfied with the defeat of Croatia, because we won the match more difficult game. From Personally, the competition some stage feeling good, but there are several stages in each other's tightly controlling feeling under very difficult. But on the whole, feel very comfortable in the stadium, none of Pereira pre-designed content, but the competition is not entirely in accordance with our wishes carried out. To demonstrate the strength of the Brazilian team, the match brought to the team calm feeling. All the players have contributed to the victory, all efforts to help the Brazilian team won the competition. Indeed the world to Brazil than we expect this competition to demonstrate a high, but seriously, that the Brazilian team in the competition to have flash moment, although most of the time in each other Brazilian players sometimes 25 metres .... We have accumulated a lot of competitions before the sense of anxiety, afterwards we can only see how other teams kick ball, and we can only training. Now we have the World Cup started, the real World Cup started. People will not remember how we Croatia competition is kicked, and the competition will only remember that we won, marking a victory is the hallmark of our team. I know that we have won eight straight in the World Cup, this is also a victory for the more valuable data. In tension, we have the freedom to take a rest day yesterday. My family in Germany, so I can rest day, and they are therefore far from the national team dogma. I have read about some of the match against Croatia picture, including my buses, down from the paragraph. I always the last to leave the buses and wait for other people first, and then I have to, this is my habit when in Bassa is the case. Team atmosphere is very good, and usual, we started singing on buses. Everyone pick one of their first songs, and then we would most like to become the first song. We are united in the ground, a final encouraging words Kafu. I understand some people think that Brazil could do better ideas, but I would like to repeat, the first match is the most important stone. Only then can we not start with tension Cup. Sunday against Australia, we will usher in a second chance. Our one to Berlin, all of them before she went to the TV watching the match Portugal last paragraph. I am most concerned about is Sikelali teach Portuguese team, because I was high Chiao and his people, and he also led the Brazilian team to win a fifth world championship. Furthermore Portugal Force also my good friend and chairman of the outstanding players such as minutes of it. Argentina is a very difficult group, if you look at the competition in Cote d'Ivoire Argentina, you can appreciate the difficulties of the group. I know that no discussion going, and now he is some tension, some anxiety, but I will tell him that he needs calm and patience. Who has his own time, Macy once going, will be sensational world. Both for Argentina and for the Bassa, the discussion is very important. Our team has many eyes on me personally, I am glad to be able to teach and Dhi Section of the team building. Dhi Section is one of my idols, I have been concerned about him. I have seen him in Europe and the national team kick ball video, but also what he studied veteran arbitrary ball.




















team spirit:团队精神;合作精神;团结精神。

team sport:团队运动;团队体育运动。

team up:加入, 组队。

team up with:合作;联手;一起组队。

team player:通力合作者。

dream team:梦之队;最佳阵容;最佳组合。

tag team:车轮战分组;一起工作的两个人。

special team:特别队。

tiger team:老虎团队;猛虎组合。

farm team:青年队;预备队;二队。

team ministry:牧师团。

crash team:医疗抢救组。

management team:管理团队;经营团队;精英团队。

project team:项目团队;项目小组;项目组。

football team:足球团队;足球队;橄榄球队。

research team:科研小组;科研团队;研究团队。

support team:支持团队;后援队伍;技术支持团队。

national team:国家队。

basketball team:篮球团队;篮球队;篮球球队。


1、But now he is head of a voluntary (志愿的)?team?that cleans waste from the Yangtze river.


2、In 1969, Tu Youyou, pharmacologist (药学家) took on the job as head of a research?team.


3、The?team?is now trying to make the enzyme break down PET in large quantities (大量地).


4、The Chinese survey?team?remeasured (重新测量) Qomolangma successfully on May 27, 2020.


5、He has set up the world's first ocean cleanup system (系统) with his?team.


6、A draft genome (基因图谱) was published last year by a Chinese?team.


7、A?team?of American astronauts (宇航员) begin to search on Mars.


8、It reduces conflict among?team?members.


9、Recruitment advertisements routinely call for "team?players".


10、Work in a?team?for six months.


例如 国家队效力 第一次去看** 滑冰冠军 哼歌 活着的 主修 赢得一等奖 这些的英语翻译急~~~

for the National Team

the first to go to the movies

skating champion

hum songs


major in

win the first champion










